Over the years of the history of our Diocese and our Cathedral in Portsmouth, we
have witnessed many great events and occasions. But, for sheer intensity of prayer
and real devotion, I doubt whether any have matched what we have experienced
during the hours of the visit to the Cathedral of the Relics of Ste Therese.
The casket containing her bones was with us for about 26 hours and during that
time, the Cathedral remained open and welcoming to about 4,500 people who
came to pray.
Meticulous planning and attention to detail are crucial for such events and that
was particularly necessary for such a huge event as the one which we have just
hosted. As far as I could see, everything went without a hitch and this was entirely
due to the tireless and devoted work over many months of a dedicated team so
ably led by Canon David Hopgood and Fr Steven Restori.
Liturgists, musicians, altar servers, media personnel, stewards, listeners, guides and
caterers, to name but some of those responsible for all the logistics of this great
event, worked wonderfully well together. They were completely and generously
supported by the whole Cathedral parish community and by many other
communities throughout the diocese. By working so well together, they have
enabled our diocesan family to be abundantly blessed in these days.
There have been many occasions when I have been intensely proud to be the
bishop of our diocese of Portsmouth, but never more so than now. I will keep the
memory of these days and, I hope, the graces that have flowed from them forever
in my heart.
Thank you all very much.